Wednesday, January 19, 2011

my ideal boss

I'm currently looking for something more stable than freelance work, because, well, freelance work here in Vancouver seems to imply a whole lot of free work. Not sure where the lance fits in, but I am starting the think it would fit nicely in the heads of those 'clients' who seem to think my portfolio could use their pet project in it.

I have recently, thanks to Carrie, been introduced to the brilliant series Bored to Death. Ted Danson plays exactly the sort of boss I've been looking for my entire professional life, and most especially right now.

If you happen to be close to this character, and not necessarily just in the pot smoking department, but the sort of boss with an honest respect for loyal employees, seeks fun rather than merely the bottom line, and would be willing to tolerate and encourage my creativity, I WANT TO WORK FOR YOU!

I can be contacted through this blog's comment section and my website.

I understand you are likely mythical, like the oversized wiener dogs with alpaca-like heads and bright but decidedly cynical attitude that showed up in my dream early this morning.

Thank you for your kind attention.



Thank you for visiting. I live in Vancouver now, but I've lived in other places too. I take photos and make short films about things and people. Please comment and be argumentative. It amuses me.

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