Tuesday, April 26, 2011


From Schmidt & Weston blog

The difference in the seasons in Vancouver is more subtle than the rest of Canada. There is no slush mixed with long forgotten dog shit to worry about, as in Montréal.

The bitching about the weather is the same though... even though there is nothing to complain about. I hear a lot about the rain, but I like the rain. Keeps everything smelling fresh. Also keeps the complainers inside.

My resident archivist just told me today that her research shows that there is more sunny days than rainy days in Vancouver, despite what the locals will claim.

This photo of cherry blossoms might just make it into a museum exhibit.

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Thank you for visiting. I live in Vancouver now, but I've lived in other places too. I take photos and make short films about things and people. Please comment and be argumentative. It amuses me.

My main website is schmidtandweston.com

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